From M.E. back to "me"
my journey
Myalgic Encephelomyelitis
liver extract & B-12 injections
Nexavir. Kutapressin. Hepapressin & Compounded Liver Extract
plus B12 injections
The following information is based on my personal experience and research.
My intent is to bring awareness and offer resources to further your own research. It is up to each of us to be educated in the risks and benefits of any nutritional or wellness program in order to make an informed decision for ourselves and our families. The content of this website and the articles it contains, including links to other websites, is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness.
Please seek reliable medical advice from a health professional.
Above all else, be a key player in your own healthcare team!
Liver injectables plus B12 (as methylcobalamin) are part of the Gerson Therapy. I have been doing the non-malignant protocal or Gerson Therapy since January of 2014, but was discouraged to try this for a couple reasons. One being needles, the other being that liver extract seemed hard to get. So, since I wasn't healing cancer I decided to forgo this part of the therapy and increase the oral B12 and desicatted liver capsules that are also part of Gerson, as recommended on their website.
But recently I started to rethink this and regained interest in researching its benefits. I've been watching a YouTube series called ME/CFS alert. From time to time they mention drugs or treatment protocols being explored to help ME/CFS patients. I kept hearing the names Nexavir, Kutapressin and Hepapressin over and over, so I did some research. Turns out they are liver extract injectables. Kutapressin, having a long history of healing.
Here's what I've learned...
Vitamin B12 injection and Crude Liver Extract (as used in Gerson Therapy)
Vitamin B12 in Gerson Therapy is administered by intramuscular injection into the gluteus medius muscle, 0.1 cc (100 mcg) once daily for 4 to 6 months or more. It is accompanied simultaneously (in the same injection syringe) by 3 cc of crude liver extract.
Kutapressin and Nexavir
Kutapressin was an injectable extract of porcine liver, made by Schwarz Pharma since the 1940's. It was licensed to treat acne, excema, cold sores, herpes viruses and other inflammatory viruses. It reportedly did well with treating shingles and chicken pox as well. The treatment of these viruses drew attention of the ME/CFS research community, as some report a viral component to the disease. Kutapressin's treatment of viruses, inflammation and its effect on the immune system seemed like a good fit for ME/CFS and has shown some promise in trials where patients used the injections for 6 months or more. Several years ago, the company making Kutapressin discontinued the product for financial reasons, but the company Nexco Pharma created the virtually identical Nexavir in its place. Many ME/CFS doctors use the names interchangeably. The main difference I've seen is that Kutapressin did not have some of the additives and preservatives contained in the newer Nexavir version.
According to Wikipedia, Hepapressin is an amino acid complex prepared from Argentinian bovine liver. It is used to normalize immune dysfunction. similar to Kutapressin which was previously used in these conditions. Hepapressin does not contain preservatives and should be refrigerated. Hepapressin is used in ME/ CFS and Fibromyalgia. It is considered to act on the methylation cycle which may have a defect in ME/CFS.
Compounded Liver Extract & B12 injections
Liver extract for the purpose of injection can also be obtained with a doctors prescription from a compounding pharmacy. There is also information in the links below that refers to similar protocols using liver extract in the treatment of MS fatigue.
Liver Extract Quick Facts
forms- compounding, Nexavir, Kutapressin, Hepapressin
needs RX
used in treating MS (Klenner protocol), cancer (Gerson therapy), anemia, viruses (shingles, HHV-6 and EBV)
used on the Gerson therapy
effective for ME/CFS (fatigue & viral)
70% improvement success in ME/CFS ( Dr's Enlander, De Meirleir , Dr Cheney, Dr Lapp)
can take up to 6 months to see results
used in conjunction with B12 injection, some doctors add other supplements as well
high in iron, folic acid and cyanocobalamin, Trace elements such as copper, zinc and chromium; liver is our best source of copper, CoQ10
Kutapressin, (2 mL in injections) had been used since 1940 without reports of significant toxic effects to treat patients in the United States who had conditions such as herpes zoster
During the 1940s, a product called Kutapressin was licensed to treat acne, cold sores, herpes viruses and other inflammatory viruses.
Liver Extract Injection Protocols
Dr Lapp protocol-
The protocol for use of Nexavir is 2ml injected intramuscularly daily for 25 days,
then 2ml IM every other day for 25 days,
then 2ml IM three times a week for several months
Dr. Teitelbaum protocol-
Nexavir (Rx, Kutapressin) - 2 cc daily for 14 weeks by subcutaneous injection.
If not better use 4 cc daily for 14 more weeks.
Liver Extract Benefits
immune modulating
reduces pain, improves sleep
liver stimulatory and liver protective effects
improves cholesterol
Enhances blood flow in the brain