From M.E. back to "me"
my journey
Myalgic Encephelomyelitis
Why I chose Gerson therapy
to heal ME/CFS
The following information is based on my personal experience and research.
My intent is to bring awareness and offer resources to further your own research. It is up to each of us to be educated in the risks and benefits of any nutritional or wellness program in order to make an informed decision for ourselves and our families. The content of this website and the articles it contains, including links to other websites, is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness.
Please seek reliable medical advice from a health professional.
Above all else, be a key player in your own healthcare team!
ME/CFS is a complex illness with no cure. That's what mainstream medicine will tell you. But I'm hoping to prove them wrong. If you read my post on neurotoxins, you'll learn how I came to learn of the Gerson therapy. To me, the decision made a lot of sense. The Gerson therapy is NOT a cure for ME/CFS. The Gerson therapy is a way to optimize your body's ability to heal ITSELF.
The Gerson therapy has been around for nearly a century, yet you've likely never heard of it. It has proven successful in curing many chronic degenerative diseases, most notably cancer. But when I started reading testimonials from patients who had rid themselves of Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, ME/CFS, thyroid disease, adrenal disfunction, fibromyalgia, diabetes, crohn's disease, heart disease, arthritis....well, the list goes on and on.... I realized there was something to this.
During my many decades of being sick, I have had many "guess" diagnoses. IBS, allergies, anxiety, hormone imbalance, lyme and MS. Since ME/CFS has a long history of misdiagnosis (patients being diagnosed with ME/CFS who do not really have it, as well as being diagnosed with similar fatiguing illnesses when in fact they truly have ME/CFS) I figured the safer bet was to try something that would work on any of those illnesses. The only one I knew of was GERSON THERAPY!
Another driving force for me was my intolerance to pharmaceutical drugs. Nearly every drug (prescribed or OTC) gives me severe reactions. So, going a drug free route seemed the answer.
The Gerson therapy is a combination of a mainly vegetarian diet, juicing, detoxification and a combination of supplements and medications of a natural source, that harmoniously work together to jump start your bodies metabolism (or what Dr. Gerson termed 'the healing mechanism'). By flooding your body with nutrients, ridding your organs of the burden of toxins, both from disease as well as in out foods and environment, through the detoxification process and supporting the rejuvenation of the cell metabolism with the additional supplements, your immune system kicks in, the body rebuilds and good health is the end result. But more on that later...
Although I will talk about other natural methods of treating ME/CFS symptoms on this site, I do not believe they are the cure. But what you need to know is, the Gerson therapy is not for the faint of heart. It is a HUGE commitment of time, money and energy. It can take at least 2 years on the full therapy and sometimes more in the very severe cases. My illness was at a pretty severe state when I began in January 2014. I was totally housebound and mostly bedridden, so I had nothing else to lose. Being out of work since 2011 made it financially difficult, but with the support of my family and a lot of sacrifice, we are making it work. It is definitely a team effort. I have heard of some with other illnesses who go it alone, but for ME/CFS patients it can be absolutely necessary to have help. Rest is crucial. Even on a good day, its best to rest.
So I encourage you to do some research. Learn about the Gerson therapy. Read or watch the testimonials in the links below. And follow my journey here and on Facebook.
patients who cured ME/CFS and similar illnesses with Gerson Therapy
(and yes, there are 4 versions of Paul Stuart's story here. His was the most similar to my story and had the biggest impact on my decision to go Gerson)