From M.E. back to "me"
my journey
Myalgic Encephelomyelitis
Full length films. documentaries about ME/CFS
I Remember ME
documentary by Kim Snyder
Canary in a Coal Mine (coming soon)
Video series on ME/CFS
and it's research & treatments
ME/CFS Alert
Hosted by world-renown journalist Llewellyn King & Deborah Waroff
MECFS Alert aims to help awareness of the disease as well as help discover treatments and comfort those affected.
Watch the show here:
ME/CFS youtube channel playlist
Their goal is to comfort the sick, educate the doctors, and shame the government.
To date, there are 82 videos in this series
Get Well From ME
This video series is great for someone newly diagnosed, who wants to understand the illness better or someone searching for treatments.
Giles Meehan's videos are extremely in depth and easy to follow.
check out the other videos in his series here.
or his website, http://www.getwellfromme.com