Endocrine Disruptors and Your Thyroid (the Carpal Tunnel Connection)

The following information is based on my personal experience and research.
My intent is to bring awareness and offer resources to further your own knowledge. It is up to each of us to be educated in the risks and benefits of any nutritional or wellness program in order to make an informed decision for ourselves and our families. The content of this website and the articles it contains, including links to other websites, is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness.
Please seek reliable medical advice from a health professional.
Above all else, be a key player in your own healthcare team!
I recently made a new friend and have grown very fond of her very quickly. And over the course of getting to know her she mentioned some things about herself and her health. Today, as I was watching a documentary about chemicals on Netflix called the Human Experiment, a light bulb went off in my head and some of the clues she gave me, fell together like pieces in a puzzle.
#1) she has carpal tunnel syndrome
#2) she has symptoms of hypothyroidism
#3) she loves cleaning with bleach
-Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by hypothyroidism.
The article "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Thyroid Symptom" also talks about what thyroid tests to ask for and make sure to get a copy of the results from your doctor. Don't just assume they know which tests to order and don't assume "normal" is the same as "optimal". Most general practitioners and even some endocrinologists are not trained in fully understanding thyroid function, testing and treatments.
-Hypothyroidism is caused by many factors, one being either iodine deficiency or depletion.
Our bodies do not store iodine, so it's important to take it in through diet everyday. Sadly the standard american diet is low in iodine. If you are using iodine enriched salt as your source, you may not realize that the salt is actually fighting against the iodine and it will not be utilized properly by the body. Even foods once a source of iodine, are not what they once were due to our soils being depleted of necessary minerals. But the icing on the cake is the many environmental chemicals and those added to food and water supplies, are depleting our iodine and destroying the thyroid gland.
-Iodine can be depleted in the body by environmental (toxins) chemicals,
one of which being chlorine bleach (a common household cleaner, which is also used in swimming pools and even drinking water. in fact many bottled waters use chlorine to kill bacterial contaminants in their water) . Other common endocrine disrupters that deplete iodine and block thyroid function are fluoride (found in toothpaste and drinking water) and bromide (often found in breads and bakery items as well as pesticides on conventional produce)
So before resorting to pharmaceutical drugs and surgery, consider trying these options.
Eliminate dangerous endocrine disrupting chemicals from your home, water supply, cleaning products and body care,
Switch to organic produce where possible to avoid chemicals found in pesticides.
Eliminate as many food additives as you can and eat a diet rich in nutrients to support the thyroid.
Use iodine and natural desiccated thyroid hormone to restore thyroid function.
Increase magnesium through foods or supplements
Try chiropractics or accupuncture for more mobility and pain releif
Use arnica, either topically or as a supplement to reduce pain
Read about chemicals and your thyroid at these links
In addition to the links above, please watch...
The Human Experiment
full movie on Netflix
view trailer on YouTube
on hulu or YouTube
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (talks about use of Arnica)
All products listed below are products I have researched for quality and have tried myself. They are free from harmful additives and in most cases, the cleanest you will find. If you know of a similar product with cleaner ingredients, please contact me with the information. I'd be happy to look into. I'm always searching for better products.
Click on the photo for a link to the amazon product page to see prices and customer reviews.
In the name of full disclosure, I am an Amazon.com affiliate. Which means that any purchase made through one of my links earns me a small percentage of the purchase. Amazon then issues me a gift card. I use this small earning to offset the enormous cost of my Gerson protocol. So, if you are thinking of buying a product anyway, please consider buying through my links. Thank you for your support ~Penny